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2023-24 Paintings
Most work available for sale, contact artist to inquire

Mother: Identity Denied, Oil on canvas, 52 x 72 inches, 2024 | $2000
I painted over an abstract painting by Betsy Macarthur of a seated woman. I felt that I spoke for both her and myself as I blotted out her face and painted her as if she were the same as the white empty background space. As a mother I had struggled with a sense of losing my identity and becoming lost in my children and the overwhelm of life. The painting's meaning remained unclear until it felt finished, but the recognition of it enabled me to come to terms with that period in my life.

Red Hook Brooklyn Into Staten Island, Oil on linen, 24 x 72 inches, 2023 | $1500
Swan's Island

Swans Island Evening
Acrylic on canvas
12 x 24 inches
2024 | $500
Paintings from Swan's Island (click images to view)

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